Civil War

Viva Cuba's series of Civil War murals depict conflicts between troops of Confederate General Sterling Price and Union General Thomas Ewing in September 1864. The battles started at Fort Davidson near Pilot Knob, Missouri and ended with the rescue of the Union troops in Leasburg, Missouri.

The Civil War murals represent a cooperative effort between Viva Cuba and Carl William "Chip" Lange IV of Boy Scout Troop 463, as a part of his Eagle Scout Project.

Gold Sponsor:

Viva Cuba, Inc.

Silver Sponsors:

Dr. Carl & Mrs. Marion M. Lange

Bronze Sponsors:

Terry & Kay Balthazor

Jim & JIll Barnett/Peoples Bank

Mike & Jacque

BottomAluma Flag

Boy Scout Troop 463 & Turner Brigade Civil War Re-enactors

Kevin & Angie Britton

Bummet's Fireworks

Cuba Banking Center

Lorrie Janowiak Ellerbee and Family

First Community National Bank

Don Gray

Bill, Catherine, Courtney & Chip Lange

John & Virginia Watson/Frisco's Grill

McGinnis Wood Products

James Holloway Woods Foundation

Viva Cuba thanks all other contributors.

Marker is on Buchanan Street, on the right when traveling south.


Credits and Sources: