Civil War Soldiers Monument

(south face)

“Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori”

In grateful appreciation of the Patriotism and selfsacrifice of the lamented sons and soldiers of Knox Co. who for their Country and for freedom, laid down their lives in the war of the great Rebellion.

This Monument is erected. They laid down their own lives that the life of the Nation might be preserved and shared in the glory of securing to every dweller in the land a heritage of human freedom and their blood helped to cement that Union, which has made this great people now and forever one.

(east face)

Erected by the Mount Vernon Ladies' Monument Association, July 4, A.D., 1877.

(north face)

In Honor of the Victories and Triumph of the National arms in the war of the Great Rebellion, 1861-5. And in memory of the noble Sons of Knox County Ohio who fought, and who fell, in that Conflict.

(west face)

“Our Country!

By that dread name we wave the sword on high.

And swear for her to live for her to die”


Marker is on Main Street (State Highway 3) near High Street (U.S. 36), in the median.


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