Civil War Torpedo Boatmen Memorial

In Memory of

The Supreme Devotion of Those Heroic Men

Of the Confederate Army and Navy

First in Marine Warfare

To Employ Torpedo Board

1863 - 1865

Moved by

The Lofty Faith That With Them Died

Crew After Crew


For Enterprises of Extremest Peril

In the Defenses of Charleston Harbor


Of More than Thirty Men

Drowned in this Desperate Service

The Names of but Sixteen are Known

Lost in Charleston Harbor

15 October 1863

Horace L. Hunley

Inventor of Submarine Boat

Robert Brookbank

Joseph Patterson

Thomas W. Park

Charles McHugh

Henry Beard

John Marshall

Charles L. Sprague

Sinking Blockader Housatonic

17 February 1864

George E. Dixon

Lieut. 21st Alabama Vols.

C.F. Carlson

Corporal Wagener Arty.

Arnold Becker

James A. Wicks

C. Simpkins

F. Collins

--- Ridgeway

--- Miller


Attacks Without Loss of Life

Blockader New Ironsides 21 August 1863, by the Torch designed by Capt. F.D. Lee, Engrs. Commanded by Capt. J. Carlin, with Lieutenant E.S. Fickling S.C. Artillery Regulars.

Blockader New Ironsides 5 October 1863, by the Little David designed by St. Julien Ravenel, M.D. Commanded by Lieutenant W.T. Glassell, Confederate States Navy.

Marker is at the intersection of South Battery and Meeting Street, on the right when traveling west on South Battery.


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