Cleburne's Division

Breckinridge's Corps.

[Text from the first tablet]:

Cleburne's Division - Breckinridge's Corps.

Maj. Gen. Patrick R. Cleburne.

Nov. 25, 1863.

Govan's Brigade, - Col. Daniel C. Govan.

Smith's Brigade, - Brig. Gen. James A. Smith.

Polk's Brigade, - Brig. Gen. Lucius E. Polk.

Lowrey's Brigade, - Brig. Gen. Mark P. Lowrey.

The artillery battalion, commanded by Maj. T. R. Hotchkiss, was composed of Calvert's Arkansas Battery, Lieut. Thomas J. Key, Douglas' Texas Battery, Capt. James P. Douglas, Semple's Alabama Battery, Lieut. Richard W. Goldwaite, and Swett's Mississippi Battery, Lieut. P. Shannon.

At dawn of the 24th this division began to throw up earthworks along the crest of the ridge from General Bragg's Headquarters to the Shallow Ford Road. At 2 P.M. it was ordered to Tunnel Hill to confront General Sherman's forces, and reached that point at 2:30. Smith's Brigade held the central knoll north of the tunnel, three regiments being posted along the crest facing west, and...

[Text from the second tablet]:

the rest of the Brigade facing north. Govan's Brigade was posted on the spur putting out to the east. The 9th Kentucky of Lewis' Brigade of Breckinridge's Division filled an interval between Smith's right and Govan's left, the remainder of the Brigade supporting various parts of the line. Lowrey's Brigade was posted on the high spur in front of and to the right of Govan. General Polk's Brigade was posted on a hill beyond the Chickamauga overlooking the bridge over the creek, with Wright's Brigade of Cheatham's Division in support. On the line were the batteries of Calvert (Key) directly over the tunnel, Douglas' Battery (Bingham) on Govan's line, and Swett's (Shannon) with Smith's Brigade. The Union attacks were concentrated on Tunnel Hill and were vigorous from 10 o'clock in the morning of Nov. 25th until 4 P.M. Cumming's and Brown's Brigades of Stevenson's Division and Maney's of Walker's took part in repelling the final assault. The position was maintained until the close of the battle.

Marker is on North Crest Road north of Lightfoot Mill Road, on the right when traveling north.


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