Cobham's Brigade

Geary's Division - Slocum's Corps.

Cobham's Brigade

Geary's Division - Slocum's Corps.

Col. George A. Cogham, Jr.

Nov. 25, 1863, 5 P.M.

29th Pennsylvania - Col. W. Rickards, Jr.

109th Pennsylvania - Capt. F. L. Gimber.

111th Pennsylvania - Col. Thomas M. Walker.


This brigade, 109th Pennsylvania being left as camp guard west of Lookout, descended Lookout Mountain at 11 A.M. It reached Rossville about 4 P.M. and thence followed Creighton's brigade along the western base of Missionary Ridge, Knap's Pennsylvania battery shelling the crest during the advance. The line advanced in the plain abreast of Cruft's division on the crest, that command having carried the south point of the ridge overlooking Rossville Gap, and moved thence, northward, along the summit.

Marker is at the intersection of South Crest Road and Westside Drive, on the right when traveling south on South Crest Road.


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