Coffey County Veterans Memorial Park


This memorial and park is dedicated in 1992 to the veterans of Coffey County, both living and dead, who gave of their time and some their lives, to support the tenets of freedom and liberty that the United States of America and Coffey County, Kansas stand for.

For the veterans of Coffey County, we who remain pledge that the memory of their service will not be forgotten, misunderstood, or ignored.


In Memoriam

World War I

Coffey County, Kansas

[Roll of Honored Dead]


In Memoriam

World War II

Coffey County, Kansas

[Honor Roll of Names]


In Memoriam


Coffey County, Kansas

Floyd H. Robinson

Missing in Action

March 12, 1969

Marker is at the intersection of 4th Street (U.S. 75) and Neosho Street, on the left when traveling south on 4th Street.


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