Col. William Hubbard House

William Hubbard (1787-1863) moved to Ashtabula, Ohio, from Holland Patent, New York, around 1834 to join relatives who owned and operated a successful lumber yard and warehouse in the town. Before moving to Ashtabula, Hubbard served in the War of 1812 as a captain in a New York regiment, and after the war served as a colonel of miltia. Hubbard constructed this house circa 1840 and became involved in the local antislavery society and town politics. A strategic location for an Underground Railroad station, the house is in close proximity to Lake Erie and was often the last stop for fugitive slaves before they crossed the lake to Canada. Noted Underground Railroad scholar, Wilbur H. Siebert, wrote in The Mysteries of Ohio's Underground Railroads, "Night after night conductors landed passengers in his [Hubbard's] cellar or hayloft..."

The William Hubbard House is located at the corner of Lake Avenue and Walnut Boulevard in Ashtabula, Ohio. It is open to the public Friday, Saturday and Sunday from noon until 6:00 pm between Memorial Day and Labor Day. During the fall and winter, please call ahead for scheduled tours at 440/964-8168.

Credits and Sources:

National Park Service. "List of Sites for the Underground Railroad Travel Itinerary."

Photograph taken by Christine J. Peters, former Hubbard House Director