Colonel George Moffett

George Moffett (1735–1811), a prominent regional military and civic leader, had joined the Augusta County militia by 1758. He participated in the French and Indian War (1756–1763), led a militia company at the Battle of Point Pleasant in 1774, and rose to the rank of colonel by 1778. The Augusta County militia unit he commanded participated in several Revolutionary War battles including Guilford Courthouse in 1781. Moffett served as a justice of the peace, sheriff, and County Lieutenant (the county's highest military officer) for Augusta County (1783–1785). He was also a trustee of Liberty Academy (present-day Washington & Lee University). Moffett lived at Mount Pleasant.

Marker is on MIddle River Road (County Route 736) north of Union Church Road (County Route 732), on the left when traveling north.


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