Colonel Webb C. Hayes, M.H.

By his gift and endowment of Spiegel Grove with the Hayes Homestead and Hayes Memorial, he preserved for future generations this typical American home as a memorial to his beloved parents.Major 1st Ohio Cavalry through the campaigns in Cuba and Porto Rico in the War with Spain 1898, Lieut. Colonel 31st. U.S. Infantry in the Philippines 1899. On staff Major General Chaffee Comdg. in China 1900. Dispatch bearer to the American Legations in Korea and China. Observer with Japanese Army in Port Arthur and Manchuria in Russo-Japanese War 1904.Chairman Cuba-China Battlefield Commission 1905. Colonel Chief Signal Officer O.N.G. on Mexican Border. Dispatch bearer from American Embassy in Paris to Embassy in London and Berlin returning with German Army through Brussels to Ghent in 1914. Served in the Piave Campaign in Italy in 1917 and as regional commissioner for military labor A.E.F. in France and Morocco, North Africa during the World War.Wounded and horse killed in assault on San Juan, Cuba 1898. Awarded Congressional Medal of Honor by direction of President Roosevelt "For distinguished gallantry at Vigan, Philippine Islands, Dec. 4, 1899." Decorated by General Lyauety, French Resident General in Morocco at Fez, Morocco Aug. 15, 1918.Mary Miller HayesBy her generous gifts and endowment she was largely instrumental in founding the Memorial Hospital of Sandusky County as a memorial to her beloved parents. She joined her husband in the erection of the Overseas Soldiers' Memorial Sun Room. The endowment of the Overseas' Soldiers' Bed in the Memorial Hospital and the construction of the Soldiers' Memorial Parkway of Sandusky County in memory of their joint service overseas during the World War.Red Cross workers in Paris, France in 1914 and in Paris, France and Rome, Italy in 1917. Y.M.C.A. librarian and hostess in 1918. At the American Soldiers' leave areas at Aix-Les-Bains and Nice, France."Kind words and gentle, when a gentle word was worth the surgery of an hundred schools to heal sick thought and make our bruises whole."

Marker can be reached from the intersection of Hayes Avenue and Buckland Avenue.


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