Colorado River Storage Project / Glen Canyon Dam

Reclamation: Managing Water in the West

Colorado River Storage Project

In recognition of the vision of the Colorado River Storage Project Act of 1956 and the significant contributions the act has made to the development of the Upper Colorado River Basin states, this plaque commemorates the 50th anniversary of the start of construction of the Colorado River Storage Project. Construction of the project has been a key factor in the development and management of water and hydropower generation in the Upper Colorado River Basin through long-term regulatory storage of water.

The Colorado River Storage Project Act was passed by Congress on April 11, 1956. Within six months, construction began on both Glen Canyon and Flaming Gorge Dams. Construction of the Navajo Unit followed in 1957 and the Wayne N. Aspinall Unit in 1962.

[Dedicated] October 19, 2006

Rick L. Gold

Regional Director

Upper Colorado Region

Robert W. Johnson


Bureau of Reclamation

Mark A. Limbaugh

Assistant Secretary for Water and Science

U.S. Department of the Interior

Glen Canyon Dam

Bureau of Reclamation

In commemoration of 25 years of service to the American people

by fulfilling the dream of the Colorado River Storage Project.

Placed on May 7, 1988

Clifford I. Barrett

Regional Director

C. Dale Duvall


James W. Ziglar

Assistant Secretary of the Interior

The Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement


Awarded in a National Competition

Glen Canyon Dam

by the American Society of Civil Engineers


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