Columbia Gorge Discovery Center

Traveling down the unfamiliar waters of the Columbia River, Captain William Clark and his expedition luckily escaped misfortune. After a wild trip through the Narrows, on October 26, 1805, Clark wrote, “all our articles we have exposed to the Sun to dry; and the Canoes drawn out and turned up- maney of our Stores entirely Spoiled by being repeetedly wet… a fire was made in the middle of the camp, and Peter Crusat Played on the violin, which pleased the natives exceedingly."

Why did the Corps of Discovery carry thirty tons of supplies and equipment across the continent? At the Columbia Gorge Discovery Center, a unique exhibit examines the reasons why Lewis and Clark acquired and packed so much for their journey, as well as how difficult it was to transport the cargo across the various terrains they encountered. The exhibit offers many interactive activities, including information on tent shelters used by the Corps of Discovery. Visitors can also practice aiming a replica flintlock rifle, smell the herbs used by the expedition for medicinal purposes, and carry the same weight that each Corps member carried daily.

The Corps of Discovery expedition is not the only highlight of the Columbia Gorge Discovery Center. Located in the rich ecosystem near The Dalles, Oregon, the Discovery Center educates visitors about the natural environment of the region and encourages environmental preservation through programs on the local ecosystem. Additional acreage around the center provides walking trails and picturesque scenic overlooks.

Call (541) 296-8600 or visit for more information concerning operating hours, fees, directions, etc.

Credits and Sources:

Content for this Next Exit History site sponsored by the Lewis & Clark Trail Heritage Foundation. For more information visit

The Columbia Gorge Discovery Center and Wasco County Museum. “About, Area History & Research, Cargo – Lewis and Clark Expedition.” Accessed June 20, 2014.

U.S. Department of Agriculture. “Gorge Vistas – A Visitors Guide to National Forest recreation opportunities in the Columbia River Gorge.” Accessed June 14, 2014. “Welcome to the Columbia Gorge Discovery Center.” Accessed June 20, 2014. “1805 Journal Entry Archives - October  21 - 27, 1805.” Accessed June 23, 2014.

Columbia Gorge Discovery Center

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