Confederate Dead Monument - Thornrose Cemetery

West Panel:

Honor to the Brave

870 Lie Here

Recorded by Name, Company & Regiment:


Virginia 385, N. Carolina 176, S. Carolina 59,

Georgia 208, Alabama 49, Florida 8,

Mississippi 11, Louisiana 19, Tennessee 12,

Arkansas 20, Texas 3,

And 207

Recorded by Name Only

Confederate Dead

South Panel:

“There is True Glory and a True Honor

The Glory of Duty Done,

The Honor of the Integrity of Principle”

Robert E. Lee

North Panel:

Weigh Not Their Worth

By The Balance Of Battle

These Have Glorified Their Cause

By The Record Of Noble Sacrifice,

The Simple Manhood Of Their Lives,

The Patient Endurance Of Suffering,

And The Heroism Of Death.

May Such Fidelity And Patriotism

Endure Forever.

East Panel:“As Unknown And Yet Well Known”

Around This Shaft

Are Gathered Also The Remains Of

About 700 Confederate Soldiers,

Not Recorded By Name,

From Fields of Allegheny, McDowell,

Cross Keys, Port Republic, Piedmont &c.

Virginia Forgets Not Any

Who Died In Her Defence.

Marker can be reached from West Beverly Street (State Highway 254), on the right when traveling west.


Credits and Sources: