Connecticut Veterans Memorial West Hartford

Connecticut Veterans Memorial West Hartford

The Connecticut Veterans Memorial was commisioned by the Town Council of West Hartford in June 2001. This memorial honors West Hartford men and women who gave their lives during war.

The black granite Wall of Peace is engraved with the names of local fallen heroes. The spiraling Wall of Peace is broken each time the United States entered war.

The Walk of Remembrance, encircling the Wall of Peace, contains the names of men and women from across the country who served in our armed forces. A timeline of events, significant to West Hartford, is found along the outer edge.

A walk through this memorial is a walk through history.

In the center of the memorial is the Court of Honor. On dedication day, May 21, 2006, waters from the seven oceans and soils from battlefields, cemeteries, and prisoner of war camps from throughout the world, were folded into West Hartford earth.

In The Name Of Peace

[ inscriptions on the granite blocks ]

Revolutionary War 1775 – 1783

Belding, Ebenezer • Bull, Epaphras • Butler, Aaron • Butler, Noah, Jr. • Cadwell, Charles • Cadwell, Timothy • Clark, Joel • Cowle, John • Flowers, Cornelius • Flowers, Reuben • Gillet, Jonathan • Henery, Aaron • Hooker, Thomas H. • Hubbard, Joab • Hulbert, Joseph • Merrey, Francis • Mix, Ell • Mugat, Joseph • Segwick, Joseph • Seymour, Elisha, Jr. • Shephard, Jonathan • Skinner, Samuel • Stanley, Lewis • Steele, John Jr. • Thomson • Wheeler, William

Civil War 1861 – 1865

Althrop, William • Cadwell, Mortimer H. • Dart, Frederick W. • Deming, Edward • Foster, Thomas R. • Kimberly, Henry K. • McCarty, John C. • Millard, Theron D. • Noland, John • Sperry, Henry N. • Sternberg, Charles M. • Talcott, Arthur D. • Wells, Uriah T.

Spanish – American War 1898

Dimock, Irving

World War I 1917 – 1918

Beccaccine, Frank • Birmingham, Thomas W. • Brown, William C., Jr. • Carpenter, Edward F. • Cowles, Donald B. • Dear, William F. • Echols, Francis S. • Giovannio, Paul • Grennan, William P., Jr. • Gustafson, Ernest W. • Hayes, Waldo C. • Johnson, James II • Loescher, Paul T. • Lynch, John S. • Meloney, Vernon C. • Mitchell, Raymond E. • Robinson, Caldwell C. • Smith, Charles M. • Steele, Julius A. • Velhage, Francis B. • Walton, William R. • Wester, Thomas

World War II 1941 – 1945

Ahnen, John M., Jr. • Alfred, Merritt B. • Allen, Wilbur A. • Alling, Gordon K., Jr. • Antonucci, Philip D. • Armentano, Frank J. • Aronson, Irving • Ballard, William P. • Baraglia, Bruno P. • Bel, Frank E., Jr. • Bell, John M. • Berry, Harold J., Jr. • Bidwell, William L. • Bolles, George J. • Bordieri, Joseph N. • Borsodi, Frederic A. • Boutwell, Edwin A. • Briggs, Frederick J., Jr. • Burness, Irving • Canham, Charles P., Jr. • Cannata, Salvatore A. • Cannon, William D. • Carey, Fred M. • Carey, James C. • Case, Malcolm D. • Champlin, Everett H. • Charook, Peter R. • Chase, Emery F. • Churilo, Peter A. • Cirilli, Quinto M. • Cohen, Aaron W. • Concatelli, Frank J. • Critchfield, Thomas H. • Dahlstrom, Bertil R. • Davis, Lewis O. • Dixon, Charles L. • Dunham, Donald A., Jr. • Durkee, Leslie R., Jr. • Dwyer, Arthur F. • Dwyer, William O., Jr. • Elman, Lawrence L. • Fahnestock, Adam B., Jr. • Farrell, Thomas M. • Ferguson, Thomas R. • Fisk, Henry J. • Flanigan, Thomas W. • Fowler, Robert B. • Fox, Benjamin D. • Funk, Wilfred J., Jr. • Gardiner, John S. • Girard, Armand E. • Granfield, Patrick F. • Greasley, William H., Jr. • Greene, Theodore S. • Greenspan, Herman • Guzzo, Louis R. • Hale, William G. • Hall, Robert J. • Hanley, John M. • Hannon, James J. • Harrigan, Robert G. • Hatch, James W., Jr. • Heyke, Henry A. • Imlach, William W. • Kane, Thomas R. • Keeney, Arthur H., Jr. • King, Curtiss • King, Edward F. • Knight, Mervin T. • Kuehner, Richard S. • Kyte, George J., Jr. • Lannin, Thomas W. • Lauf, Albert M. • Lemberg, Walter A. • Lennon, Joseph, Jr. • Lisella, Dominic A. • Lister, Joseph D. • Ludwig, Clarence W., Jr. • Mac Gregor, Rodney J. • Mac Leod, Douglass W. • Macdonald, Mado H. • Maloof, Joseph J. • Manion, Robert S. • Mansfield, Warren • Marsh, Robert H. • Martell, Daniel F. • Massaro, Russel J., Jr. • Mcfarland, Harvey E. • Mcintosh, Harold W., Jr. • Mcmahon, John F. • Mills, Sidney A. • Montgomery, Alexander S. • O'Dell, Mary A. • Oland, Carl W. • Parr, Lucien • Parr, Raymond A. • Paul, Francis J. • Perkins, Sanford B., Jr. • Perlysky, Gerald H. • Peterson, Robert M. • Phelps, Walter B. • Plumb, Norman W. • Poinelli, Robert L. • Privensal, Albert J. • Purdon, James E.M. • Randall, Albert F. • Riccio, Philip N. • Rosenberg, Milton • Rosenblatt, Charles A. • Ross, Handley, R. • Rundbaken, William C. • Russett, John J., Jr. • Schaschl, Fred C. • Smith, Charles E., Jr. • Smith, James E. • Snow, Clifford E. • Stanley, Arthur W. • Stengelin, Robert F. • Sterling, Gordon H., Jr. • Stone, Richard J. • Stone, William J. • Sullivan, John B. • Swain, Allen W. • Swanson, Frederick A. • Toretsky, Nathan J. • Vendetti, Gabriel J. • Viola, James V. • Weld, Raymond T. • Weldon, Russell R., Jr. • White, Howard J. • Whitesell, Cedric W. • Williams, William J., Jr. • Woike, Herbert E. • Wolston, Kenneth C. • Wuelfing, George H. • Wysocki, Walter • Zagula, Frank J. • Zimmerman, Abraham D.

Korean War 1950 – 1953

Alton, John S. • Campbell, Raymond B. • Coughlin, Robert J. • Kelly, Bernard L. • Kuehner, Gordon V., Jr. • Mazur, Mortimer • Schleicher, Herbert D. • Sirman, Donald S. • Tackus, Kenneth A. • Wegner, Robert W. • Woodcock, Frank E. • Zweygartt, John C.

Vietnam War 1964 – 1973

Bailey, Loring M., Jr. • Creed, Edward G. • Cronin, Brian J. • Daley, Raymond C. • Dixon, Mark H. • Eddy, Edmund F. • Fitton, Crosley J., Jr. • Hight, David K. • Hill, Thomas A. • Holden, John P., II • Knecht, Adam D. • Lewis, Gary L. • Markarian, William A. • Norton, Robert L. • Welch, John H., III • Westwood, Norman P., Jr. • Young, Douglas W. • Weed, Jeffrey F.

Persian Gulf War 1991

Bianco, Scott F.

Global War On Terror 2001 –

McMahon, Michael J. • Paliwoda, Eric T. • Philippon, Lawrence R.

Marker is at the intersection of Farmington Avenue and North Main Street, on the right when traveling west on Farmington Avenue.


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