Corporation Court House

(Left Side Plaque):City of



Corporation Court House

Erected 1851-52

Mayor .....Robert B. Semple

Judge of Court .. John Tayloe Lomax

Building Commissioners

Thomas B. Berton, chairman

B.R. Wellford

William Allen

John Minor

John James Chew

Architect James Renwick

Contractor Wm. M. BaggottA former court house, erected on this site in 1733, was torn down in 1851 to permit the erection of this court house

(Right Side Plaque):Fredericksburg

Corporation Court House

Historical Data

Courthouse erected 1851-52

Brick walls stuccoed - 1916

Bell. Made by Paul Revere

Foundry, Boston, presented to

city by Silas Wood of New York - 1829

The clerk's office contains

many historical documents

among which are -

The will of Mary Washington,

Mother of our illustrious George

dated 1789

Commission to Augustine Washington,

father of George, appointing him

trustee of Fredericksburg

dated 1742

Marker is on Princess Anne Street (State Highway 2), on the left when traveling south.


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