Corse's Brigade

Hugh Ewing's Division

Corse's Brigade

Hugh Ewing's Division - Blair's Corps.

Brig. Gen. John M. Corse. - Col. Charles C. Walcutt.

Nov. 25, 1863

40th Illinois - Maj. Hiram W. Hall.

103rd Illinois - Col. Willard Dickerman.

6th Iowa - Lieut. Col. A.J. Miller.

15th Michigan - Lieut. Col. A.E. Jaquith (Detached)

46th Ohio - Col. Chas. C. Walcutt. - Capt. Isaac N. Alexander.

About 7 A.M. the Brigade, 920 men, moved from the high ridge northwest, formed in the ravine at its base, and at 10 A.M. effected a lodgement in the abandoned Confederate works near this. Preparations were immediately made for charging the battery on the high point about 220 yards south. Three lines of skirmishers with a strength equal to two regiments, led by Gen. Corse, preceded the rest of the brigade. Half way to the battery Gen. Corse was severely wounded, and the assault failed. The brigade under command of Col. Walcutt, then retired to this position from which it had charged, and remained here, engaged at intervals until nearly dark. At 3 P.M. it repulsed a front and flank attack upon it by troops which had made a successful charge upon the line to the right of it. In all its movements it was supported on the left by a part of Lightburn's Brigade. At about sunset the brigade was relieved by the 57th Ohio and 6th Missouri.

Marker can be reached from North Crest Road near Lightfoot Mill Road.


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