Coshocton County Vietnam War Memorial

This memorial is dedicated to those who served, those who died, and those still missing.

Erected by Coshocton County Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 159 with the support of the citizens of Coshocton County

Killed in Action

Michael S. Caley •

Jerry W. Heskett •

Douglas S. Kempf •

Robert O. Korns •

Donald V. Stein •

Charles K. Wright •

Chester A. Wright

As we view this memorial, let us:

Grieve with those who lost a loved one

Comfort those who still suffer

Assist those left handicapped

Forgive those who were misled

Understand those who can not cope

Console those who feel guilt

Honor those who returned

Learn from this experience

and remember

Marker is on Main Street, on the right when traveling west.


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