County Longford Great War Memorial

1914 - 1918

[Northeast Face]

To Perpetuate the Memory

of the 284 Gallant Soldiers

of the County Longford

who fell in the Great World War.

This Cross was erected by

the generous subscriptions of

their sorrowing relatives,

comrades and sympathisers.

R. I. P.

[Handwritten note hanging below reads:]

In memory of the 325 Longford men and women

who died in World Wars One and Two

and other conflicts

R. I. P.

[Southwest face]

Those loving Heroes

good and kind

Beloved by those

they left behind

Forget them; no we never will

While life shall last

we,ll love them still.

[Southhwest face]

Death is swallowed

up in Victory

[Northwest face]

Greater love than this

no man hath. That a man

lay down his life

for his friends.

Marker is at the intersection of Ballymahon Street (National Road 63) and New Street, on the left when traveling north on Ballymahon Street.


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