Courthouse Burned

[ Side One ]

Twenty-two Kentucky courthouses were burned during Civil War, nineteen in last fifteen months: twelve by Confederates, eight by guerrillas, two by Union accident.

See map on reverse side.

The courthouse at Hodgenville was burned by guerrillas Feb. 21, 1865. It had been used by Union soldiers as barracks. All of the county records were saved.

[ Side Two ]

Locations of twenty-two courthouses in Kentucky burned during Civil War.

Route of Brig. Gen. Hylan B. Lyon

December 1864

Courthouses burned on Lyon’s Raid

Other courthouses which were burned

as an incident to the war

( - - Map - - )

Marker is at the intersection of Lincoln Blvd (Kentucky Route 210) and East Main Street (U.S. 31E), on the right when traveling north on Lincoln Blvd.


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