Dallas - New Hope Line

Four to six mi. N.E., on State Highway 92 at & near New Hope church, are the battlefield’s of New Hope Church & Pickett’s Mill - two of the notable engagements of the Atlanta Campaign, May 25 & 27, 1864.

From a point 2 mi. S. of Dallas, the embattled Confederate & Federal forces, extending N.E. on a 10 mi. front, maintained daily conflict for 10 days, May 25 - June 4.

This Paulding County phase of the Atlanta Campaign was incident to Sherman’s flanking operations [US] W. & S.W. of the Allatoona Mtns. Johnston’s forces [CS] held the Federals in this sector until they moved E. to the State R.R.

Marker is at the intersection of Merchants Drive (Georgia Route 61) and East Memorial Drive (Georgia Route 381), on the right when traveling west on Merchants Drive.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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