Danbury World War II Memorial

In Memory of All Danbury

World War II Veterans

This memorial is in honor of all of World War II Veterans who were involved in the fight for the freedom of America and the free world.

Whether they fought in the Pacific or European theater, they face a resolute and often brutal enemy; yet they possessed the inner strength and courage that kept them going on the beaches at Normandy, in the deserts of North Africa and on the islands of the South Pacific.

The actions of those who were called to duty were probably best described by the words of Admiral Nimitz: “Uncommon valor was a common virtue.”

The names that appear in this memorial garden made the ultimate sacrifice.

[ Names inscribed on the granite columns in the memorial garden. ]

Eric Allen Jr. • Stanley J. Balazy • Alexander Baran • Richard M. Bassett • Richard F. Baur • Edward Belorit • Kenneth R. Berggren • Arthur Bloomberg • Joseph P. Bradley • Thomas E. Brady • Joseph F. Breznicky • Malcolm A. Carrara • William J. Casazza • Joseph F. Cassidy • Chester J. Chelso • Rinaldo Chiavuzzi • Edgar P. Coury • Thomas D. Critelli • Thomas F. Davenport • Henry W. Davis • Robert A. Davis • Domenick Degrazia • Thomas S. Dunn • Andrew R. Durkin • Vincent Fafioly • Richard P. Finaldi • Francis J. Gaffney • George R. Garavel • Joseph F. Garavel Jr. • George A. Gerstenmaier • Frederick R. Gervasoni • James F. Gould • Charles Hajj • Ludwig A. Halas • Samuel Hamad • Andrew D. Hliva • John Holick • Joseph C. Hubbard • Nicholasa A. Hugyo • Chester E. Jednack • Frank E. Johnson • Stephen Jurik • Frederick W. Kane • William J. Kasperwicz • Emil Katrenick • Francis S. Kellogg • Phillip E. Kelly • Robert J. Kent • Andrew A. Koperno • Stephen W. Kosack • Arthur H. Koslow • Sidney M. Kotok • John Krizan Jr. • Archibald L. Lake • Eugene A. Lamy • Elmer F. Lauf • Angelo M. Lavelle • Emil R. Leblanc • John M. Leonard • Vincent A. Light • Nelson R. Linster • Adolf M. Loorman • Fred G. Macdonald • Frank R. Machado • William T. Mccarthy • Harold E. Mcfarland • Edward P. Mcgee • Robert J. Mcnamara • Joseph E. Mead • Moses G. Michael Jr. • Michael W. Mockovak • John F. Mooney • James N. Nash • Leo Null • Luther M. Onerheim • Anthony G. Palermo • John S. Pearl • Stephen Plisko • Robert Pollick • Anthony R. Ragaini • Vernon W. Rydell • Donald F. Schmeltz • Charles O. Schnell • Robert L. Shea • Joseph Silver • Fred G. Simon • George H. Smith • Vernon W. Smith • Sidney C. Spencer • John A. Stavola • Peter Stec • Benjamin Steinfeld • William R. Stolzenberg • C. Walter Strait • Ray G. Thieman • Walter C. Tilford • Fred M. Underhill • Vincent J. Vigna • Harry M. Waldron • Charles T. Ward • William H. Waterbury • Edward J. Waytaszik • Leroy H. Wilkins • Robert L. Williams • Leo A. Wixted • Willis A. Woodin • John F. Zimmermann • Stephen Zotos

Marker is on Memorial Drive 0.1 miles south of Lions Way, on the right when traveling south.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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