Daniel Boone - Pioneer / Grave of Daniel Boone

Daniel Boone - Pioneer

Born, Pa., 1734. Died, Mo., 1820. Married Rebecca Boone, 1756, N.C. First trip to Kentucky, 1767. Set up Ft. Boonesborough, 1775, blazed Wilderness Trail and settled. Frontiersman, surveyor, settler, legislator and sheriff. Defender against Indians and British. His claim to 100,000 acres lost, 1784. Emigrated to Missouri in 1799.

Grave of Daniel Boone

In the cemetery stands a monument to Daniel and Rebecca Boone, erected by a grateful Commonwealth in 1860. Their remains had been brought back from Missouri and reburied September 13, 1845. A tribute to that outstanding frontiersman and his wife, who pioneered in carving out a wilderness empire ~ now Kentucky.

Marker is at the intersection of East Main Street (U.S. 60, 460) and Glenns Creek Road on East Main Street.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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