

(Listing of the members of the 1st and 2nd Delaware Infantry)

Delaware at Gettysburg

The First and Second Delaware Infantry Regiments arrived on the battlefield early on July 2 and took positions in the Federal line along Cemetery Ridge. That day, both units distinguished themselves in fierce fighting. The First defended the Bliss Farm and the Second helped to hold the Wheatfield against the Confederate attempt to turn the Federal left flank. On July 3 the two regiments played key roles in repulsing Lee's assault. They each lost nearly a quarter of their men at Gettysburg and were commended for distinguished service. Three solders received the Medal of Honor. One for heroism under fire and two for the capture of regimental colors. On July 5 the First and Second Delaware with the Army of the Potomac left Gettysburg in pursuit of Lee's Army.

This Memorial is dedicated to all Delawareans

who fought at Gettysburg both Union and Confederate

Marker is on Taneytown Road (State Highway 134), on the right when traveling south.


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