Derby and Huntington Civil War Memorial

[ West Face ] In

Memory of The

Men of Derby and Huntington

Who Fell

In the Service of Their Country

In The

War of the Rebellion

1861 – 1865


Defenders of Liberty And



[ South Face ] Roll of Honor


Charles S. Munson, 1 Cav. June 15, 64 • Lucius B. Truesdale, 1 Art. Sept. 12, 64 • Thomas Hyland, 1 Art. June 27, 62 • Col. Elisha S. Kellogg, 2 Art. June 1, 64 • John Wilcox, 5 Regt. May 15, 64 • Frederick Miller, 6 Regt. Feb 22, 65 • Marcus A. Blackman, 6 Regt. May 16, 64 • Lieut. Henry B. Lee, 7 Regt. Aug. 16, 64 • Lieut. Charles E. Barker, 7 Regt. Aug 14, 64 • Fred A. Felch, 7 Regt. May 16, 64 • Col. Charles L. Russell, 10 Regt. Feb. 8, 62 • Aleck Daley, 11 Reft. June 3, 64 • Charles Kline, 14 Regt. Oct. 14, 63 • Seymour M. Smith, 20 Regt. Mar. 16, 65 • Charles E. Byington, 20 Regt. Mar. 19, 65 • William J. Brown, 20 Regt. July 20, 64 • Nathan Davidson, 20 Regt. July 20, 64 • Walter P. Lindsly, 20 Regt. Aug 27, 64 • Robert Martindale, 20 Regt. July 20, 64 • Thomas Redshaw, 20 Regt. July 3, 64 • James Dunn, 20 Regt. Nov. 9, 63 • David N. Griffith, 20 Regt. May 3, 63 • John Foley, 20 Regt. May 3, 63 • John Finnegan, 20 Regt. May 3, 63 • Thomas Garner, 20 Regt. May 3, 63 • George N. Tomlinson, 20 Regt. • David B. Rowell, 20 Regt. July 25, 64 • Abram L. Moulthrop, 23 Regt. Jan 21, 64 • Thomas C. Cornell, 23 Regt. June 23, 63

Died of Wounds

Daniel L. Richardson, 1 Cav. June 29, 64 • George W. Huckins, 8 Regt. Aug. 24, 64 • Francis Lewis, 7 Regt. Nov. 21, 62 • John E. Hall, 7 Regt. Dec. 29, 61 • Oswin S. Frost, 8 Regt, Sept. 20, 62 • Michael O’ Hara, 8 Regt. Aug. 4, 64 • Peter Peterson, 8 Regt. Oct. 5, 65 • Pliny Bartholomew, 10 Regt. Feb. 17, 62 • Sheldon P. Johnson, 20 Regt. Mar. 27, 65 • Evelyn E. Moulthrop, 20 Regt. Aug. 30, 64 • Samuel Ould, 23 Regt. July 10, 63 • Luther N. Bronson, 23 Regt. June 30, 63 • Capt. Wm. J. Hotchkiss, U.S.N. Aug. 17, 63 • William Poole, U.S.N. Dec. 20, 64

“On fame’s eternal camping ground

their silent tents are spread

and glory guards, with sacred round,

the bivouac of the dead.”

New Bern

[ East Face ]


By The

People of Derby and Huntington

A.D. 1883

In Honor of All Who Fought

In the Service of Their Country

“That government of the people,

by the people, and for the people

should not perish from the earth.”


[ North Face ] Roll of Honor

Died In Service

Capt. Eldridge Colburn, 1 Cav. May 12, 64 • John Wheeler, 1 Cav.Sept. 19, 64 • Benjamin T. Canfield, 1 Cav. Jan. 13, 65 • James F. Huntley, 1 Art. Aug. 8, 64 • Joseph Fitzsimmons, 1 Art. Aug 16, 64 • William H. Murphy, 1 Art. Dec. 11, 61 • Talmadge Hubbard, 1 Art. July 7, 62 • Theodore Beeman, 1 Art. Dec. 7, 62 • Dwight Gardner, 1 Art. May 20, 62 • Patrick Morand, 1 Art. Aug. 20, 62 • Benjamin Smith, 1 Art. Oct. 10, 64 • Alonzo Beecher, 3 Ind. B. Nov. 25, 64 • James Morrison, 5 Regt. Unknown • Hugh Fitzpatick, 7 Regt. Aug. 6, 64 • James J. Smith, 7 Regt. May 26, 65 • John McTague, 9 Regt. Nov. 26, 63 • Joseph Gahagan, 9 Regt. Aug. 8, 62 • Patrick Larkins, 9 Regt. Aug. 21, 62 • John Crowley, 9 Regt. Sept. 30, 62 • Cornelius Ryan, 9 Regt. Sept. 27, 63 • James Ryan, 9 Regt. Aug. 20, 62 • John Maher, 9 Regt. Aug. 14, 62 • Michael Downey, 9 Regt. June 22, 62 • Martin Kilgariff, 9 Regt. Oct. 16, 62 • William Goodall, 9 Regt. Mar. 8, 65 • Capt. Frank Hawkins, 10 Regt. June 22, 65 • James Fitzsimmons, 10 Regt. Mar. 7, 65 • Kearn Fitzpatick, 11 Regt. Unknown • Thomas Grimes, 11 Regt. Sept. 6, 64 • William Smithy, 11 Regt. Unknown • Wm. E. Mitchell, 12 Regt. Feb. 22, 63 • Henry J. Curtin, 15 Regt. Sept. 30, 64 • Samuel J. Burdett, 17 Regt. Nov. 29, 62 • Charles F. Lyon, 20 Regt. Nov. 30, 62 • Henry Mayer, 20 Regt. April 10, 65 • Judson Lewis, 20 Regt. Feb. 21, 63 • Edwin Arnold, 20 Regt. Jan. 27, 63 • Lieut. Edwin F. Peck, 28 Regt. June 20, 63 • Charles Light, 28 Regt. June 20, 63 • George A. Deming, 29 Regt. July 17, 64

Cha'rs ville


Marker is at the intersection of Elizabeth Street and 5th Street, on the right when traveling north on Elizabeth Street.


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