Derby Korea – Vietnam Memorial

Dedicated to Those Who Made the Supreme Sacrifice and Advanced the American Ideals of Liberty and the Brotherhood of Man


James Ellingwood Towle 1st Lt. U.S.A.F.


Norman Edward Dawson Jr. P.F.C. U.S.M.C. • George Albert Kurtyka T. Sgt. U.S.A.F. • John Joseph Healey Jr. Sp. 4 U.S.A. • Joseph Carinci P.F.C. U.S.M.C. • Aldo Anthony Doria Pvt. U.S.M.C. • Henry John Doneski Sgt. U.S.A. • Ronald J. Sheehy Sp. 4 U.S.A. • Carl Packaard P.F.C. U.S.M.C.

Marker is at the intersection of Elizabeth Street and 5th Street, on the right when traveling north on Elizabeth Street.


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