7. Diamond-Wesley House

The Diamond-Wesley House located at 6748 Berryhill Street was constructed for J.T. Diamond in the early 20th century. Local research indicates that it was built in 1911. 

The house is a frame vernacular style.  The original footprint and house type is a Gable and Ell house. These  The Gable and Ell wood-frame homes were widely throughout the nation after the arrival of the railroad. They featured a central, gable-front mass with an intersecting, perpendicular wing of the same height. The intersecting gables gave the appearance of an "L" shaped footprint. 

The front facade of this building has been altered from its historic design and style, with the enclosure of the south porch. 

Credits and Sources:

Virginia Savage McAlester.  A Field Guide to American Houses. (New York:  Alfred A. Knopf. 2013). 

 Florida Master Site File. FMSF Record SR00531.