Dubois County Civil War Memorial

[ Battle Names - Around Top of Memorial ]

Antietam • Chickamauga • Gettysburg • Vicksburg

[ Front Panel ]

Yield not to grief the tribute of a tear,

But ‘neath the fore-front of a

specious sky,

Smile all exultant, as they smiled at fear,

who dare to do, where doing meant to die

So best may comrades prove

remembrance dear,

So best be hallowed earth where

soldier lie.

Dubois County

Soldiers and Sailors


1861 — 1865

[ Panel - - Left Side ]

Cover the thousands who sleep far away –

Sleep where their friends can not find them today;

They who in mountain and hillside and dell,

Rest where they wearied and lie where they fell.

[ Panel - - Right Side ]

Soldier rest! Thy warfare o’er,

Sleep the sleep, that knows no breaking

Dream of battled fields no more,

Days of danger, nights of waking.

[ Door - - Obverse Side ]

For Country and flag.

Our Army and Navy.

Marker is at the intersection of Courthouse Square (East Side) and East 6th Street, on the left when traveling north on Courthouse Square (East Side).

Courtesy hmdb.org

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