East Haven Veterans Memorial

This Tribute

To The Worth of Her Sons

Who Have By Land and Sea

Offered Their Lives In Defense of Their Country

Is Erected by The Citizens of East Haven

Dedicated 1911

Rededicated 1990

By East Haven Historical Society and

Economic Development Commission

[ west side ]

American Revolution, 1775-83

Nathan Andrews • Abijah Bradley • Asa Bradley • Zabulon Bradley • Edward Goodsell • Jared Heminway • John Howe* • Isaac Luddington • Isaac Pardee • Jacob Pardee Jr. • Richard Paul • Isaac Potter • Medad Slaughter • Elijah Smith • Thomas Smith • John Walker

* Died at Fort Hale and most of the others aboard British prison ships on L.I. Sound.

Plaque given by William McNulty in grateful

memory of these East Haven men who gave their lives.

July 4, 2002

[ east side ]

Civil War, 1861-65

Charles Benoit* • John H. Bradley • Frank Cardwell • George Carr • Edwin Crouch • Henry E. Doolittle • Augustus Fairchild • James Murphy* • Martin Rood • Samuel Rose • Henry D. Russell • George E. Smith • Isaac B. Thompson • Henry Wilmot • Claudius Zemioz

* Died at the infamous Andersonville, Georgia Prison.

Plaque given by Rosemary Pileggi in grateful

memory of these East Haven men who gave their lives.

July 4, 2002

Marker is at the intersection of Main Street (Connecticut Route 100) and Hemingway Avenue (Connecticut Route 142), on the right when traveling east on Main Street.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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