Ebenezer United Methodist Church

The first meetings of this congregation were held in the homes of its members. In 1824 a stone church building was erected at this location. The growth of the congregation resulted in the replacement of the original building by a one-story frame structure in 1859. Formerly a part of the Hockessin Charge, Ebenezer became a separate station in 1897. a parsonage was constructed soon thereafter. It would serve as home for the church's ministers until it was dismantled in 1968.

With the spread of suburban settlement during the decade of the 1950's, the congregation began to outgrow its facilities once again. Additional property was purchased in 1954, and a new Education Building was completed in 1964. Continued growth resulted in the construction of the present sanctuary in 1975-76. A Christian Life Center was subsequently completed in 1993. For a time the old frame church was utilized for Sunday School classes, and as a meeting place for the local Korean United Methodist congregation. After many years of service to the church and community, the building was demolished in 1998.

Marker is on Ebenezer Church Road, on the right when traveling south.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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