
Another advantage the Civilian Conservation Corps offered to its enrollees was the chance to further their education. In their spare time, they could enroll in classes, such as radio operator and maintenance, surveying, photography, leather works, algebra, typing, short hand, electricity, soil conservation, leader training, and music. Other activities included glee club, swimming, and Friday night trips to town to watch movies.

CCC enrollees were given Unit Certificates to show their completion of each training course, and they were made a part of their service record. An estimated 105,000 illiterate enrollees were taught the basics of reading and writing, while three times that number received high school equivalency diplomas.

The CCC proved to be very beneficial to our military at a later date. The camps took very large groups of men, trained them in military etiquette, and taught valuable skills that would be desperately needed with the oncoming of WWII.


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