Emporia High School World War II Memorial

[Roll of Honored Dead]

Class of 1938

Glen P. Austin, Jr. • Carl F. Hancock • George W. Gibson, Jr. • Harold E. McCanis

Class of 1939

Dean Class • Vernon Hiatt, Jr. • Dale E. Fillmore • Joseph R. Sheen, Jr. • Jim Loren Warren

Class of 1940

Lyle Richardson • La Vell Smith • Charles Euwer, Phillip French • William Lawson • Norbert Fladung • Willard Green

Class of 1941

Lowen Zeiner • Bernard Davis

Class of 1942

Curtis J. McCoy

Class of 1943

Lawrence Eicher • George W. Paust • Robert Hager • Frank Riondy

Class of 1944

Edward J. Weakley

Fireman 1st Class, U.S.S. Jenkins

Courtesy hmdb.org

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