Execution of Mosby’s Rangers

“The ‘dark day’ of 1864”

"Mosby will hang ten of you for every one of us!"

were William Thomas Overby’s last words to his

executioners before the rope tightened around his

neck here on Richardson’s Hill. This was the

final scene of a tragedy that began less than two hours earlier when Union cavalrymen captured six of Lt. Col. John S. Mosby’s Rangers a few

miles south of Front Royal on September 23,

1864. Believing that Mosby’s men had killed a

Union officer after he surrendered, the Federals executed them in retaliation.

Capt. Samuel F. Chapman, commanding a detachment of the Rangers, had split his force in

two to attack what he thought was an unguarded

ambulance train. On discovering that in fact two

Union cavalry divisions trailed the train, Chapman tried to call off the attack, but it was too

late. The Federals quickly encircled the Rangers;

most of them cut their way out and escaped

(allegedly killing the captured Union officer in

the process), but six were ridden down and taken

to front Royal. Gen. Alfred T. A. Torbert, the senior Union officer, probably approved the executions, although Mosby blamed Gen. George A. Custer and promised vengeance on Custer’s men.

Four of Mosby’s men were shot, but two including Overby were hanged, having refused to reveal the location of Mosby’s headquarters. Near Berryville a month and a half later, on November 7, Mosby ordered the execution of seven captured

Federals, most of them from Custer’s command, in retribution.

(sidebar) One of the men executed, 17-year-old Henry Rhodes, was not a Ranger but a Front Royal

boy who had long dreamed of joining them. When Chapman led his men through town that morning, Rhodes resisted no longer but rode a neighbor’s horse into battle. He was captured when his mount collapsed, brought to a field just south of here, and shot down

in sight of his mother.

Marker is on North Royal Avenue north of West 14th Street (U.S. 340), on the left when traveling north.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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