Farmington Veterans Memorial

Duty • Honor • Country

[ column 1 ]

U.S. Army • Suppression of Pequots (1637) • King Philip's War (1675 – 76) • Jobanna Smith • French & Indian Skirmishes (1711 – 12) • Defense Of Litchfield (1724) • Louisburg Expedition (1745) • Timothy Root • French & Indian Wars (1754 – 63) • David Andrus • Gershom Orvis • Daniel Owen • Reuben Smith • Samuel Woodford • Revolutionary War (1776 – 97) • Gideon Andrus • Samuel Church • Joel Clark • Ebenezer Dickinson • Fisher Gay • Timothy Porter • Ebenezer Sanford • Samuel Scott • Simeon Strong • Amos Wadsworth • Samuel Woodruff

[ column 2 ]

U.S. Marine Corps • War of 1812 • Samuel Bunnel • Charles Newell • Mexican War (1846 – 65) • Civil War (1861 – 65) • Seth J. Barnes • John W. Beach • Francis W. Burr • Edward S. Callender • George E. Callender • Edward F. Campion • Kenas Clark • Richard Cowles • Samuel E. Derby • Philip Devricks • Edward Dewolf • Stephen Durning • William H. Dutton • Timothy Elwell • Albert S. Frost • Austin D. Fuller • George E. Gibbs • James H. Gilbert • Robert H. Gillette • John Gilmore • Timothy Gladden • George A. Goodale • Theodore W. Goodwin • Seneca L. Gorham • Leverett J. Griswold

[ column 3 ]

U.S. Navy • Civil War (cont.) • Henry Hart • Samuel Herring • Augustus Hitchcock • William A. Hitchcock • Frederick Hooker • John I. Hull • Jeremiah Kellel • David D. Keys • Marcus Lyman • John Manion • Angus Mclaren • Francis B. Morse • Henry H. Neale • Levi H. Newell • George A. Orvis • James H. Osborn • Prescott W. Parsons • Silas A. Payne • Henry C. Porter • George A. Root • Hugh Roper • Henry Rowe • Edwin L. Rowley • John E. Russell • John B. Ryder • Theodore W. Sharp • James H. Skelley • Samuel S. Smith • George Southergill • Reuben Spencer • Frederick A. Taylor • Smith S. Taylor • Albert F. Thompson • Nicholas Van Cleef • Henry Warren • Patrick Welch • Watson Whapeles • Thomas White

[ column 4 ]

U.S. Air Force • Spanish-American War (1898) • World War I (1917 – 21) • Philip E. Bergin • Paul Dimona • Ernest W. Gustafson • Louis C. Hanrahan • Richard W. Ibell • Harold V. Joyce • James Palache • Christopher H. Rourke • World War II (1941 – 51) Joseph E. Carroll • John Garay • Milton Gillespie • Joseph G. Glanovsky, Jr. • Elmer R. Howard • Hilding G. Johnson • Michael J. Kaprusak • Louis E. Labrack • Guerino P. Lostocco • Edward R. Matava • Robert J. Pickford • Douglas W. Strong • Leonard A. Toth • Joseph Vona • Russell R. Weldon, Jr. • David C. Wilson • Andrew J. Wojtilla • Stephen J. Wojtilla

[ column 5 ]

U.S. Coast Guard • Viet – Nam War (1964 – 73) • John E. Gurovich • Ralph Hancock • Walter H. Myers, Jr. • Henry N. Pilger • Anthony Spirito Jr. • Bruce B. Warner • Lebanon Peace – Keeping (1982 – 84) • Grenada Invasion (1983) • Operation Earnest Will (1987) • Panama Invasion (1989 – 90) • Operation Desert Storm (1990 – 91)

Marker is at the intersection of Montieth Drive and Farmington Avenue (Connecticut Route 4), on the right when traveling east on Montieth Drive.


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