FDR's Salute

to the Officers and Men ... USS "San Francisco"'

In Salute

to the Officers and Men, living and dead, of the

U.S.S. “San Francisco”

a warship named for our city, which though

sorely wounded, emerged triumphantly from the

Battle of Guadalcanal, November 12-13 1942

after inflicting heavy losses on the enemy.

“A very powerful Japanese force was moving at night toward our position in the Solomon Islands. The spearhead of the force that we sent to intercept the enemy was under the command of Rear Admiral Daniel J. Callaghan. He was aboard the leading ship, the cruiser San Francisco. San Francisco sailed right into the enemy fleet – right through the whole enemy fleet – her guns blazing. She engaged and hit three enemy vessels, sinking one of them. At point-blank range, she engaged an enemy battleship – heavily her superior in size and firepower. She silenced this battleship’s big guns and so disabled her that she could be sunk by torpedoes from our destroyers and aircraft. ** The San Francisco herself was hit many times. Admiral Callaghan, my close personal friend, and many of his gallant officers and men gave their lives in this battle. But the San Francisco was brought safely back to port by a lieutenant commander*, and she will fight again for our country. The commander of the task force of which the San Francisco was a part has recommended that she be the first of our Navy’s vessels to be decorated for outstanding service. But there are no citations, no medals, which carry with them such high honor as that accorded to fighting men by the respect of their comrades-in-arms. The commanding general of the Marines on Guadalcanal, General Vandergrift, yesterday sent a message to the commander of the fleet, Admiral Halsey, saying: ‘We lift our battered helmets in admiration for those who fought magnificently against overwhelming odds and drove the enemy back to crushing defeat’. **Let us thank God for such men as these. May our Nation continue to be worthy of them, throughout this war, and forever.”

Franklin D. Roosevelt

President of the United States

and Commander –in- Chief

November 17, 1942

The City and County of San Francisco offers this tribute in commemoration of loyalty to God and Country.

*Lieutenant commander mentioned [above]:

Rear Admiral Herbert Emory Schonland, U.S.N., Ret. - upon whom was conferred the Congressional Medal of Honor.

Marker can be reached from El Camino Del Mar north of Sea Rock Drive.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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