Federal, Confederate Lines, June 22, 27, 1864.

One-half mi. S., at the road - fork, is SIGNAL HILL, where Sherman observed the assault on Cheatham Hill by troops of the 4th & 14th Corps [US], June 27.

The John Ward Road -- left turn at the fork -- leads to Thomas’ Headquarters, June 27, & the battlefield of Kolb’s Farm, on & near Powder Springs road, 2.5 mi. S., where Hood [CS] attacked the right of the 20th & the left of the 23d Corps [US], June 22.

The road W. leads to Dallas & New Hope Ch., in Paulding County, where Federal & Confederate forces were in daily conflict 10 days.

Marker is at the intersection of John Ward Road and Dallas Highway (Georgia Route 120), on the left when traveling north on John Ward Road.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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