Finney General Hospital


Finney General Hospital, named in honor of Brigadier General John M.T. Finney, was authorized September 30, 1942, and dedicated June 16, 1943, on this site. Finney was one of sixty Army hospitals across the country built to care for sick and wounded World War II soldiers. Under Colonel Samuel M. Browne, Finney grew to two hundred buildings including hospital wards, a theater, gymnasium, chapel, bowling alley and barracks for German prisoners of war. Numerous celebrities visited to entertain patients and staff. Citizens of Thomas County provided support through the Grey Ladies Corps, plantation picnics, use of the YMCA, and lodging for soldiers’ families in private homes. Finney General closed December 15, 1945, having treated 23,055 WWII veterans.

Marker is at the intersection of South Pinetree Boulevard and South Martin Luther King Drive, on the right when traveling east on South Pinetree Boulevard.


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