First Army Corps

Magilton's Brigade, Meade's Division


First Army Corps.

Magilton's Brigade, Meade's Division.

Col A.L. Magilton, 4th Pennsylvania Reserves,


(September 17, 1862.)

Magilton's Brigade advanced from the North Woods about 6:30 a.m. and, passing a few yards east of D.R. Miller's House, formed line on the left of Anderson's Brigade. A part of the Brigade, supported by the 124th Pennsylvania, of the Twelfth Corps, engaged the enemy in the north edge of the Cornfield. Soon after, the Brigade was ordered to the left to the assistance of Seymour and Ricketts in and in front of the East Woods. While in motion by the left flank about 75 feet north of the Cornfield, the Brigade was fiercely assailed by the Confederates. The assault was checked by the timely arrival and assistance of Williams' Division, Twelfth Corps, after which the Brigade was withdrawn to the fields northeast of Joseph Poffenberger's.

Marker is on Dunker Church Road / Old Hagerstown Pike, on the right when traveling north.


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