First Army Corps
Hartsuff's Brigade, Rickett's Division
First Army Corps,
Hartsuff's Brigade, Rickett's Division.
Brig Gen George L. Hartsuff, Commanding.
11th Pennsylvania, 83rd New York,
12th and 13th Massachusetts Infantry.
(September 17, 1862.)
Hartsuff's Brigade, advancing from the Poffenberger woods early on the 17th, passed through the northern part of the East Woods and over the open ground west of them, and went into action on a line running northwest and southwest through this point. Early in the movement Gen. Hartsuff was wounded and the command devolved upon Col. Richard Coulter, 11th Pennsylvania Infantry. The left center of the 11th Pennsylvania was at this point with the 12th Massachusetts on its right. On the immediate left of the 11th was the 13th Massachusetts and on its left was the 83rd New York. In this position, supported by two regiments of Christian's Brigade, it maintained a sanguinary contest in which it lost half its numbers, but was compelled to withdraw being relieved by the advance of Crawford's Brigade, Twelfth Corps. The Brigade carried into action about 1,200 men of whom 82 were killed and 497 wounded. The 12th Massachusetts lost 224 out of 334 engaged.
Marker is on Cornfield Avenue, on the right when traveling west.