First Army Corps

Magilton's Brigade, Meade's Division


First Army Corps.

Magilton's Brigade, Meade's Division,

Col. Albert Magilton, 4th Penn. Reserves, Commanding.


3rd Penn. Reserve Infantry,

4th Penn. Reserve Infantry,

7th Penn. Reserve Infantry,

8th Penn. Reserve Infantry,

September 17, 1862.

Magilton's Brigade formed line at 5:30 a.m. on the left of Anderson's Brigade. At 630 a.m. it advanced through the North Woods, deployed in the open fields and had reached the north fence of the Cornfield when it was sent to the left in support of Seymour and Ricketts. Its ammunition having been exhausted, it was relieved by Williams' Division of the Twelfth Corps and withdrawn to the ridge in rear of Joseph Poffenberger's.

Marker is on Mansfield Avenue, on the left when traveling east.


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