First Baptist Church

1800 Sesquicentennial 1950

On November 26, 1800 the Reverend Henry Holcombe

and fifteen other Baptists organized the Savannah

Baptist Church. As early as 1795 a group of interested

Baptists had erected a house of worship on Franklin

Square where the congregation worshipped for

thirty-three years. The Sunday School was organized

there on April 29, 1827.

During the Pastorate of the Reverend Henry O. Wyer

the cornerstone of the present church on Chippewa

Square was laid on February 2, 1831 and the building

was completely renovated in 1921. Since 1847 the

church has been called the First Baptist Church. In

1926 the Educational Building was erected and

dedicated to the memory of John J. Cummings.

The church has had a long line of distinguished

deacons and members who have given it their

support, devotion and prayers. The Pastors have

been Henry Holcombe, William B. Johnson,

Benjamin Screven, James Sweat, James Meredith,

Henry O. Wyer, Josiah S. Law, Charles B. Jones,

J. G. Binney, Albert Williams, Joseph T. Robert,

Thomas Rambaut, J.B. Stiteler, G.S. Daniel, Sylvanus

Landrum, Timothy Harley, J.E.L. Holmes, S.A. Goodwin,

J.D. Jordan, W.L. Pickard, J.J. Taylor, L.R. Christie,

Norman W. Cox, John E. White, Arthur Jackson, and

Leroy G. Cleverdon.

This tablet is given in grateful recognition to God

for his Divine Blessings on the church and is

dedicated to the memories of the Reverend Henry

Holcombe and those who succeeded him in its

Ministry. Done with appropriate exercises on this

the twenty-sixth day of November One Thousand

Nine Hundred and Fifty and Fiftieth Anniversary of

the organization of the First Baptist Church of

Savannah Georgia.

Marker is on Bull St. near W. McDonough St., on the right when traveling south.


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