First Baptist Church

Organized 1818, oldest church in Tuscaloosa County. First building was of logs. A brick structure completed 1830 and larger one at this site 1884. Educational building erected 1924 and present sanctuary 1958. Sunday School organized here 1830. Influenced by leadership of the first two Presidents University of Alabama, Dr. Alva Wood, 1831, Dr. Basil Manly, 1837, who often filled pulpit. A resolution from this church 1844, resulted in formation of Northern and Southern Baptist Conventions. Sponsored other churches: Hopewell, 1830; Southside, 1889; Holt, 1903; Calvary, 1910; Westend, 1910; Forest Lake, 1936 and Circlewood, 1948.

Marker is at the intersection of Greensboro Avenue and 8th Street, on the right when traveling north on Greensboro Avenue.


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