First Baptist Church

[Lower marker]:

First Baptist Church

Founded 1878

Built 1899

B.P. Robertson, Pastor

[Upper marker]

Corner stone from second auditorium building which was demolished September 1949 to make way for the present building completed 1951.

[Dedication Plaque] (Located near the Limestone Street entrance):

First Baptist Church

Gaffney, South Carolina

Organized 1878

This building completed June 10, 1951

Frank E. Morris, Pastor

R.R. Markley - Architecture - Durham, N.C.

Crosland Construction Company - Builder

Columbia, S.C.

Building Committee

John M. Hamrick - Chmn., E.H. Jones

J.B. Hatcher, C.E. Hamrick

C.L. Chandler, Mrs. L.V. Gaffney

Waite C. Hamrick, Jr., Mrs. E.H. Dobson

V.H. Lipscomb, Mrs. L.A. Hamrick

A.J. Eastwood, Mrs. Eula H. Vassy

"Whosoever thou art that entereth this church,

be reverent; be attentive; be thoughtful;

and leave it not without prayer to God,

for thyself, for those who minister,

and for those who worship here."

Marker is on E Floyd Baker Blvd, on the right when traveling west.


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