First Baptist Church of Pleasanton

On December 16, 1866, seven charter members met together to organize the First Baptist Church of Pleasanton. They met for worship in a variety of places, including the county courthouse in 1867, a schoolhouse south of town in 1870, and the Rock Schoolhouse beginning in 1875.

In 1879, Mildred Mansfield (1816-1892) and her son F. M. (1836-1902) donated land at this site, and the congregation's first sanctuary was completed in 1883. In addition to offering worship and educational programs to its own members, the church also was involved in both foreign and domestic missionary endeavors.

As the congregation grew in size over the years, additional buildings were erected to meet membership needs. New structures were completed in the 1950s and 1960s prior to the church's centennial celebration in 1966. A fire destroyed much of the main church building in February 1972, but the congregation rebuilt and dedicated the renovated structure in October 1974. The Old Rock Schoolhouse, in which the early members had met for worship services, became a part of the church plant in 1986. (1991)

Marker is at the intersection of West College Street and North Reed Street, on the right when traveling west on West College Street.


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