First Chinese Baptist Church


{The left side of the marker has the text in English:}

This church was organized on October 3, 1880. The congregation first met in rented quarters on Washington Street across from Portsmouth Square, and moved to the present location in 1888. The first church building on this site was destroyed in the Earthquake of 1906. The present structure was built in 1908. Through the years, the Church has served the community by providing language classes; conducting various programs for children, youth, and adults; and bringing the good news that Jesus Christ can bring wholeness and healing to human life.

This plaque was installed by the Congregation in 1980, the centennial year, to record our gratitude to God for his many blessings, and to express our confident expectation that He will lead and use us in the "New Century in Christ"

{The right side of the marker has the text in Chinese (not transcribed)}

Marker is at the intersection of Waverly Place and Sacramento Street, on the left when traveling north on Waverly Place.


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