First Engagement on Shiloh Battlefield

On the first day of March 1862, Gibson's (La.) Battery occupied this bluff, and was supported by the 18th Louisiana Infantry, and a detachment of cavalry. At about 10 a.m. the battery opened fire upon the U.S. gunboats Tyler and Lexington which were ascending the river. The fire was returned by the gunboats and after a short engagement, in which a house standing near here was burned, the battery was driven away.

Companies "C" and "K" 23d Illinois Infantry,landed from the gunboats; took possession of two 32 pdr. guns at this place; advanced to a log house which stood where the cemetery lodge now stands, and were there attacked by the 18th Louisiana and driven back to the boats.

The Union loss was 2 men killed; 6 wounded; 3 missing.

Confederate loss not officially reported. Several dead were left on the field.

The gunboats proceded up the river to Florence, and on their return, - March 4th -, landed at Pittsburg and sent a party out, on the Corinth Road, three miles to a Confederate hospital having a number of wounded men in it.

Confederate pickets were encountered near the hospital and the reconnoitering party returned to the boats.

Marker can be reached from Pittsburg Landing Road, on the right when traveling west.


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