First Presbyterian Church

The First Presbyterian Church of Piedmont was organized March 18, 1890, with seventeen charter members, by Rev. B. F. Bedinger, Presbyterian evangelist. Rev. J. E. McLean was the first minister. First elders were C. W. McMahon and Stephen Ferguson; first deacons were John Turk and William Turk. A frame building was erected west of South Main Street, which the congregation occupied June 21, 1891. Rev W. J. Sinnott, the congregation's second minister and Supt. of the Presbyterian Orphanage in Talladega, preached the first sermon in the new building. Because the location was inconvenient, plans were made in 1899 to roll the church on logs to this site. Until the Panic of 1893 interrupted industrial growth in Piedmont, the church attracted members from other Alabama churches and from Delaware, Maine, New Jersey, North Carolina and Tennessee. In 1947 a committee was selected to supervise construction of a brick addition for Sunday School rooms. The original frame sanctuary was brick veneered and the interior remodeled in the summer of 1952. In 1987 the interior was again refurbished. This is the oldest church structure in Piedmont.

This marker was given in Loving Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew John Taylor

by their son, Dr. Rayford Boles Taylor, A.D. 1990.

Marker is on East Ladiga Street, on the left when traveling west.


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