First United Methodist Church

Founded October 28, 1849

The original building was located on land at the S. E. corner of 7th and L Sts. Donated by Capt. John Sutter. It was known as The Baltimore Chapel. Prefabricated in Baltimore and shipped around The Horn, it became the first house of worship in Sacramento and the Great Valley. A new building; Designated First Methodist Episcopal Church, erected in 1859 on 6th St. between K and L. In 1918 a merger occurred between that church and The Central M.E. Church at 11th and I Sts. which had been organized Dec. 9, 1855. The combined churches, at the 11th St. site adopted name Grace M.E. Church. The present structure, designated again as First Methodist Episcopal Church, was built in 1925. The denomination in 1939 dropped Episcopal from the name and in 1968 added United: Hence, now the First United Methodist Church.

Marker placed October 28, 1989, Our 140th Anniversary


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