Flushing Civil War Monument


in memory of the

Patriotic Volunteers




sacrificed their lives

in the War

for the preservation

of our Union


[ Side 2: ]

Capt. Wm. Dermody

Lieut. Emil Schubert --- Sgt. Wm. H. Teppy

Sgt. Asa. Fowler --- Corp. Washt. W. Fowler

Henry Apel --- Benj. Covert

John B. Bauer --- Chris. Crooker

John Brady --- Harsn. Curtis

L. Brunnemer --- Philip Derkes

John Buckley --- Jos. A. Dobieck

John W. Byrd --- John Doherty

Jas. Byrns --- Jas. E. Elderd

Thadds. Campbell --- Chas. Erling

Jos. Cathcart --- Jas. Feely

Valent. Clinch --- Wm. H. H. Field

Wm. J. Conn --- Geo. H. Fowler

Thos. Conner --- Wm. Goodwin

[ Side 3: ]

Capt. Louis Brisky

Sgt. Benj. Harpell --- Sgt. Jas. P. Smith

Corp. Geo. Huntsman --- Corp. Wm. E. Johnston

Wm. Griffin --- Thos. H. Jenkins

Louis Groesel --- Robert Kane

Seth Harpell --- John Kenaley

John Hefepmehl --- Philip Kenna

Valent. Helfrich --- John Keppler

John Heppler --- Jos. Kierstead

John Hicks --- Peter Kimmeep

John Huntsman --- Wash. D. Knight

John Hodges --- Philip Maher

Patrick Hurley --- Jacob Mannweiler

C. Jackson --- Patrick Martin

Thos. Jackson --- Thos. McReady

[ Side 4: ]

Capt. Elijah W. Peck

Sgt. Fredk. Werner --- Sgt. Adam Worth

Corp. John Mara --- Corp. Lorenzo D. Wood

Martin Moore --- Elias H. Seaman

Edw. D. Murray --- Chas. D. Smith

Henry Neimer --- Jas. Starkins

Anthony Parks --- Jurgen Sturnberg

Saml. O. Portland --- J. Steinbruecker

Andw. Reinhardt --- John Stonebanks

Gothard Reniker --- Chas. W. Townsend

Frank Richter --- Willis H. Tyrrell

Christn. Schatzman --- Geo. Vix

Geo. W. Schenck --- Carl Widdeman

David Schultz --- Robt. Wright Jr.

Marker is at the intersection of Northern Boulevard and Linden Place, in the median on Northern Boulevard.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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