Folsom Veterans Memorial

The Folsom Veterans Memorial honors those brave individuals who serve our country and those who have fallen in service to our country. The memorial is composed of several distinct elements.

The Flag Court pays homage to all those who have served or are serving in the various branches of the military.

The large Granite Rock bears the names of those Folsom residents that have paid the ultimate sacrifice while preserving our freedom.

The Eagle represents the pride, honor and protection of our country’s flag and values.

A young scout dog handler beckons to his dog across the court yard. His right hand gestures symbolically to the names of the fallen in recognition of the dangers and sacrifice of military duty.

The grieving female draws attention to the sorrow that war can bring.

The large bronze books provide a visual connection to the George Murry Library Building. The book titles pay respect to those that serve and to those that have fallen.

”All gave some and some gave all.”

Marker can be reached from the intersection of Natoma Street and Stafford Street.


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