Fort Erie, Pro Patria Mori Cairn

[Text on the base of the Cairn];

Here are buried

150 British Officers and Men

Who fell in the attack on Fort Erie

On the 26th day of August, 1814, and three

of the defenders, men of the United States

Infantry, whose remains were discovered

during the restoration of Fort Erie,

1938 & 1939

[Text on first of 2 plaques mounted on the Cairn]:

In Memory of the

Officers and Seamen of

the Royal Navy, The Off-

icers, Non commissioned

Officers and Privates

of the Royal Artillery,

Royal engineers, Royal

Marines, 1st Royal Scots

19th Light Dragoons, 6th,

8th (Kings) 41st, 82nd,

89th, 103rd, 104th, and

DeWatteville's Regiments,

the Glengarry Light Infa-

ntry and the Incorporated

Militia who fell during

the seige of Fort Erie,

August and September

- 1814 -

[Text on second of 2 plaques mounted on the Cairn]:

Officers Killed

During seige of Fort Erie

Colonel Hercules Scott

103rd Reg't

Lieut-Colonel Wm. Drummond

104th Reg't

Lieut-Colonel John Gordon

Royal Scots

Captain R.D. Patteson 6th Reg't

Captain Torrens 8th Reg't

Captain J.M. Wright 82nd Reg't

Captain E.D. Walker Incor. Militia

Lieut. Coples Radcliffe, R.N.

Lieut. Noel, Royal Scots

Lieut. J. Rutledge Royal Scots

Lieut. Barstow 8th Reg't

Lieut. Pellichody De Watterville's


Ensign C. Langford 82nd Reg't

Marker is on Lakeshore Road just south of Dominion Road, on the right when traveling south.


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