Fort Henry


In English:

An earlier fort was built here on Point Henry during the War of 1812 primarily to defend the nearby naval dockyard. When the Rideau Canal was built as part of a military route connecting Kingston with Montreal, the strategic importance of this site increased. The old fort was therefore replaced by the present structure of stronger and more advanced design which was completed in 1836 at a cost of over £70,000. Garrisoned by units of the British and then the Canadian Army until 1890, the fort never saw action, although it was used as a prison for rebels captured during the Rebellions of 1837-38.

In French:

Durant la guerre de 1812, un premier fort fut construit

ici, sur la point Henry, principalement pour defendre le

chantier naval voisin. Quand le canal Rideau fut construit

pour relier militairement Kingston a Montreal, l'importance

strategique du lieu augmenta. Le vieux fort fit place a

l'ouvrage actuel plus moderne, qui fut complete en 1836,

au cout de L70,000. Servant de garnison aux unites

anglaises et a celles de larmee canadienne jusqu'en 1890,

le fort ne fut jamais attaque, mais il a servi de prison

aux rebelles des insurrections de 1837-1838.

Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada

Commission des lieux et monuments historiques du Canada.

Government of Canada - Gouvernement du Canada

Marker can be reached from Provincial Highway 2.


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